New look

You might have noticed the website switched themes. The new theme is responsive and uses HTML5 & CSS3. For more information about the new theme, check out the project page. In case you've never seen the old theme, you can check out the project page of the old theme or compare them with the image above. (click on the image for the full layouts)

I also tweaked the embed_media module I created with for the old theme. The module is actually a filter that allows users to post a simple url, e.g. a YouTube video, that is automatically converted to a embedded video or slideshow. For the embedding I used iframes, which are responsive and have a 16:9 aspect ratio. At the moment the module supports the following urls: YouTube ( &, YouTube playlists, Vimeo, Daily Motion Flickr and Google Maps. I didn't add this module to the Drupal repository and I'm not really planning to, but if you're interested and think I should add it let me know.

Anyway, in my...


December 2011